CIAC(Chemical Industry Association of Canada)에서는 오는 4월 21일~22일 캐나다 토론토에서 RC Conference를 개최합니다.
본 행사는 환경안전 각 분야의 권위있는 전문가를 초빙하여 격년으로 개최되는 세미나입니다.
참가비는 RC협의회를 통할 경우, CIAC 회원 Rate로 적용해준다고 하니 관심있는 회원사는 사무국으로 문의하여 주시기 바랍니다. (Member Rate : $750)
<관련 링크>
The Chemistry Industry Association of Canada is pleased to announce Chemistry 2015, the premiere learning and networking conference for anyone engaged in the chemical manufacturing industry and its extended value chain in Canada.
APRIL 21-22, 2015
RADISSON ADMIRAL HOTEL TORONTO-HARBOURFRONT The two-day event will feature interactive presentations, breakout sessions, expert speakers and lots of networking opportunities.
Focussing on plant safety practices, product stewardship and life cycle analysis, process safety, transportation safety and the broader sustainability needs, the conference will offer participants ample opportunities to share and discuss lessons learned and best practices. If you have any questions, or require additional information, please contact:
Lauren van den Berg |