※한국RC협의회의 해외관련 기관들입니다.
※알파벳 정렬순입니다.
- APEC Virtual Center for Environmental Technology Exchange
- www.apec-vc.or.jp/e
- Careline
- www.careline.ws
- CEFIC(European Chemical Industry Council)
- www.cefic.org
- Earth Pledge Foundation
- www.earthpledge.org
- Earth Times
- www.earthtimes.org
- Earthwatch
- www.earthwatch.org
- EPA(Environmental Protection Administration)
- www.epa.gov.tw
- EPA(United States Environmental Protection Agency)
- www.epa.gov
- Greenpeace
- www.greenpeace.org
- IAEA(International Atomic Energy Agency)
- www.iaea.or.at
- ICC(International Computing Centre)
- www.unicc.org
- ICCA(International Council of Chemical Associations)
- www.icca-chem.org
- www.icis.com/v2/magazine/home.aspx
- IEA(International Energy Agency)
- www.iea.org
- IFCS(International Forum on Chemical Safety)
- www.who.int/ifcs/en
- ILO(International Labor Organization)
- www.who.int/ifcs/en
- ISO(International Standards Organization)
- www.iso.org/iso/home.htm
- Responsible Care
- www.responsiblecare.org
- Sierra Club
- www.sierraclub.org
- The Environmental Magazine
- www.emagazine.com
- UN(United Nations)
- www.un.org
- UNDP(United Nations Development Programme)
- www.undp.org
- UNEP(United Nations Environment Programme)
- www.unep.org
- UNFCCC(United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change)
- www.unfccc.int
- UNIDO(United Nations Industrial Development Organisation)
- www.unido.org
- World Stewardship Institute
- www.ecostewards.org