Responsible Care
Propulsion background
After the 1985 explosion of a chemical plant in Bhopal, India, Canadian Chemical
Producers Association (CCPA), introduced the concept of RC
to enhance the image and restore the trust of local residents in order to improve
the perception that the chemical industry is environmentally harmful.
Since then, American Chemistry Council(ACC) adopted RC in 1988,
ICCA(International Council of Chemical Associations) formed RCLG
(Responsible Care Leadership Group) in 1990 with the aim of spreading RC around
the world and it has spread all over the world since the mid-1990s.
*Korea joined ICCA RCLG on September 20, 2000.
RC is being promoted in 73 countries around the world, including the European CEFIC, the US ACC,
Japan and Taiwan, and adopted as a key management factor for major advanced chemical companies.
Establishment of Korea Responsible Care Council
Korea has considered introducing RC since 1992 and in 1999, petrochemical industry, precision chemical industry, fertilizer industry, chloride alkali industry, American Chamber of Commerce in Korea (AMCHAM Korea), European Chamber of Commerce in Korea (EUCCK) and several chemical companies jointly established (December 6, 1999) the Korea Responsible Care Council for mutual cooperation and RC introduction in the areas of environmental, safety and health improvement.
It was approved as a full member of RC propulsion, at the RCLG(Responsible Care Leadership Group) conference in Lisbon, on September 20, 2000.