International Cooperation
The international organization propelling RC is RCLG under ICCA, and there are general organizations by country. (Republic of Korea is being propelled by ‘Korea Responsible Care Council’)
* ICCA(International Council of Chemical Association) : It is an international organization founded in 1989 by a group of chemical industry associations/organizations from around the world (EU, etc.) and is working on the development of the chemical industry and the improvement of rights and interests in the international community.
* RCLG(Responsible Care Leadership Group) : It is an affiliated group established by ICCA in 1990 for the purpose of spreading RC around the world and consists of major companies and organizations from 73 countries.
RCLG shares RC proliferation around the world and RC trends in member countries and holds meetings in the first and second half of every year to discuss the direction of implementation. The secretariat of Korean Council of RC is attending the meeting and guiding its members on key issues.

Recent schedule
Apr 16~17, 2020 | CLG Conference Call (replace COVID-19) |
Nov 05~06, 2019 | Opened 2019 RCLG (Korea) |
May 07~08, 2019 | Attended 2019 RCLG(Argentina) |
Nov 27~30, 2018 | Attended 2018 RCLG (New Zealand) |
Apr 16~17, 2018 | Attended 2018 RCLG (Dubai) |
Main issue
- Update RC initiatives of each country
- RC Global Charter
- Sharing the current status of RC implementation measures, self-evaluation, etc.
- ICCA Capacity Building
RCLG conducts an evaluation(KPI, Key Performance Indicators) to analyze the performance of RC implementation and the national secretariat surveys and compiles data of its member companies and reports it to RCLG once a year.
Reduction in lost-time injury rate sine 2006
Reduction in transportation incidents since 2006
Reduction in GHG emissions since 2006
*2006 – 2020
It consists of 14 member countries in the Asia-Pacific region and was launched by 2003.APRCC (Seoul)
* APRO(Asia Pacific RC Organization) : It is named after the pronunciation of the Korean word "forward[Apro]," meaning that it pursues continuous improvement activities and development of the chemical industry.
We hold an annual meeting to share RC propulsion status and to discuss APRCC works.

Recent schedule
Nov 14, 2019 | Held 2019 APRO conference (Korea) |
Jul 19, 2018 | Attended 2018 APRO conference (Philippines) |
Main issue
- Update of RC initiatives in Asia-Pacific region
- Reviewing the results of the APRCC and discussing future plans
- Sharing ICCA key point etc.
APRCC 2019
It is held every other year to promote RC activities in Asia and the Pacific, share best practices, and improve the image of the chemical industry, and was held in Korea in 2019.

APRCC 2019 Conference Overview
(Asia Pacific Responsible Care Conference 2019)
Date and place | Nov 7(Thu) ~ 8(Fri) 2019, Westin Chosun Hotel Grand Ballroom (1F) |
Title | The next challenges for Responsible Care |
Participant | 14 member countries in Asia-Pacific region and 238 employees of environment and safety |
Additional events | APRO Conference (Nov 4), RCLG Conference (Nov 5~6), 20th Anniversary Ceremony (Nov 6) |