Responsible Care

Member companies will first appoint an 'RC Coordinator' to act as a contact window for overall internal coordination on RC propulsion and for cooperation with Korea Responsible Care Council.
RC coordinators should have a good understanding and will personally on RC goals and value in order to efficiently disseminate RC activities in the company.
In addition, RC coordinators should have a direct reporting system with the executives and be able to review the overall situation of the company in order to promote the performance of tasks necessary for RC activities from the company's executives.
Major role of RC coordinator
- Create a connection window in each local workplaces for RC implementation in the company
- Adjust the self evaluation within the company for each implementation standard
- Raise major issues regarding RC to the relevant department to receive support with the necessary resources within the company
- Support the following for the participation of local workplace representatives in the meeting of regional managers
Responsible care implementation
to company managers and RC Council
mutual assistance activities
Create a new exclusive tab for coordinator
We have created a new exclusive tab for coordinator for smooth operation such as RC Coordinator's calendar, material download, etc. You can access this tab after log in. If you need help on log in, please contact to the secretariat.