The importance of the role of CEO
The first and most important step in each member's RC propulsion is that the philosophy and meaning of RC should be shared by all company members including CEO, by informing all employees in the company's organization of their determination for RC propulsion.
The fact that the interests and support of CEOs are directly linked to RC success is also a lesson for the countries and businesses that implemented RC first.
RC Propulsion organization
The practice of Responsible Care is a wide range of content that the entire company should participate in, not just the environmental safety-related departments, and this should be led by the Chief Executive to form an organization where all employees can participate. In addition, a person(coordinator) in charge corresponding to the level of working personnel shall be designated for the company’s RC propulsion and the exchange of information between secretariat of Korea Responsible Care Council and other member companies.
RC Action Plan Establishment
After the propulsion organization is established, it checks the current situation of the workplace, establishes an action plan, implements it for a year, and evaluates the results, and gradual environmental, safety, and health improvements will be made by reflecting it in the next year's plan, or mid- to long-term plans.
Self Evaluation
As Responsible Care is a voluntary improvement activity of the company, self-evaluation is the basic method of evaluation. The results of the self-evaluation of the workplace must be submitted to the Korea Responsible Care Council every year.