Responsible Care
International Council of Chemical Association
ICCAis an international organization established in 1989 with chemical industry associations and organizations from around the world and is active in the international community as an NGO for the development of the chemical industry and the enhancement of its rights and interests.
※ Members(US, Canada, Chile, Uruguay, Brazil, Mexico, Europe, South Africa, Arabian Gulf, Australia, New Zealand, Korea, Japan, Singapore), Organization(China, India), Permanent Observers(China, Taiwan), Observers(Russia)
ICCA organization chart

At United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in 1992, a partnership was formed between governments, private and civic groups that are central to achieving sound management and sustainable development goals for chemicals worldwide. Currently, ICCA is building a stronger foundation by strengthening existing cooperation with various global organizations, including UNEP, UNITAR, OECD, and other government-to-government and non-governmental organizations.
Responsible Care Leadership Group
In 1990, ICCA organized the RCLG(Responsible Care Leadership Group) with the aim of global proliferation of RC, and as of June 2020, organizations from 73 countries and 96 out of 100 major chemical companies in the world are participating.
Responsible Care Leadership Group is a UN-recognized sustainability initiative that strives for safe and responsible management of chemicals worldwide.
Trying to manage safe and responsible chemicals
Participating in RCLG activities (as of June 2020)
- 2020
- Currently joined 73 countries in the world
- 2003
- Propel 'global review of Responsible Care' for 20th anniversary of RC propulsion
- 2002
- Strengthen a third party audit system - External audit system
- 2000
- Establishing goals for strengthening RC activities with local communities
Korea's RCLG Join (46th out of 73 countries)
- 1999
- RC Peer Review program execusion
- 1997
- Procedures for joining the RCLG and approving RC propulsion organizations in each country
Announcement of RC propulsion in countries for ICCA's eight basic regulations, - 1992
- Designated as Action plan of Agenda21 at UN conference(Rio conference) for sustainable environmental development
- 1991
- Organized RCLG on ICCA
ICCA is 7 fundamental features on RC guide
- 1988
- Adopted RC (American Chemistry Council)
- 1985
- Established RC (Canadian Chemical Producers Association)
ICCA will continue to develop through RC leadership group meetings with national associations and companies to expand Responsibility Care® to new regions around the world.